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Dr.Surendra Kapoor 2018-09-21 06:51:02. The Basic of Numerology

Numerology is the study of the occult significance of numbers. It’s probably the simplest of the occult to learn and master. Each Number in numerology carries a particular vibration. Each Vibration is ruled by a number. Let’s know more about these.

Vibration No. 1

Lord-Sun Signifies- Self and reasoning mind.Positive: Energetic, confident, creative, outgoing. Natural leader, strong will, likes control, May dominate.Negative: Addiction, frustration, insecurity, wilfulness, egotism, intolerance. Favourable Gem-Ruby. Best number 28.

Vibration No. 2

Lord-Moon Signifies- Spirit of cooperation and harmony.Positive: Supportive, caring, sensitive, efficient, needs security and stability, Passive and receptive, natural assistant.Negative: Over-critical, indecisive, over-adapting, overly servile, helps then suddenly withdraws.Favourable Gem-Pearl,Best number 29.

Vibration No. 3

Lord-Jupiter Signifies- Urge for emotional expression,Positive: Sensitive, active, sociable, articulate, Successful, Inspired, Idealistic, eternal optimist, Negative: Fear of rejection, compulsive attention-seeker, conceit, deceit, depression, over-sensitivity,Favourable Gem-Yellow Sapphire,Best number 12.

Vibration No. 4

Lord-Venus Signifies- Form and matter,Positive: Logical, secure, reliable, dependable, Calmly efficient, makes patient progress,Negative: Reserved, rigid. Unstable, impatient, impractical, fixed in ways,Favourable Gem-Hessonite (Gomed), Best number 31.

Vibration No. 5

Lord- Mercury Signifies- Balance between freedom and discipline,Positive: Freedom-loving, energetic, spontaneous, restless, Multifaceted, Lively, Versatile communicator,Negative: Scattered, irresponsible, over-cautious, unreliable,Favourable Gem-Emerald, Best number 23.

Vibration No. 6

Lord-Venus Signifies- Love,Positive: Comforting, diplomatic, accepting, giving, caring, Seeks balance and harmony, excellent in business, money.Negative: Perfectionism, self-indulgence, selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy.Favourable Gem-Diamond,Best number 24.

Vibration No. 7

Lord-Neptune Signifies- Need to develop trust,Positive: Meditative, introverted, aloof, journeying inward, dreams of better world, discriminating, analytical, observative.Negative: Suspicion, escapism, bitterness, betrayal.Favourable Gem-Cat’s eye,Best number 25.

Vibration No. 8

Lord-Saturn Signifies-Need to integrate material success and spiritual attainment, Positive: Generous, determined, trustworthy, good organizer likes control,Negative: Demanding, sabotages self, slave-driver, obsessive about money.Favourable Gem-Blue Sapphire,Best number 26.

Vibration No. 9

Lord-Mars Signifies Completion,Positive: Dynamic, charismatic, independent. Evolved soul; needs self-understanding,Negative: Selfish, dissipates talents, bigotry,Favourable Gem-Red Coral,Best number 27.

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